Wednesday, January 14, 2015

It Goes Fast Even When It's Standing Still

Whenever I'm at the mall with my little kids, strangers always come up to me and tell me the same nugget of advice, "Enjoy your kids; it goes fast." These strangers are always in their late 40s, and most likely have high school kids. I always appreciate these interactions and need the encouragement to enjoy this. I need it. 

I especially need to remember it right now. 

Last week was dangerously cold, so we stayed at home. I was doing pretty well despite the fact that I usually need to be out and about on play dates with friends. I was all in all content. But just as the wind chills crept above zero, my kids got sick. Just colds, but I have a couple of the drooliest, slimiest kids on the planet, so if we went anywhere, we would infect many. 

All this to say that it's been another week at home. My patience is wearing thin, and I feel sorry for myself. So, I make some cookie dough and feel better about life for a little bit. But then I get discontent again.

But I can choose to be thankful. I can choose to embrace my kids' little lives, because it will go fast. This week feels eternal, but next week will come. 

This is a really encouraging verse that I need to memorize, "God has also given riches and wealth to every man, and He has allowed him to enjoy them, take his reward, and rejoice in his labor. This is a gift of God, for he does not often consider the days of his life because God keeps him occupied with the joy of his heart." Ecclesiastes 5:19-20

Those strangers, they don't remember the water all over the bathroom floor, toys in the toilet, or the three-year-old freaking out because she can't quite communicate what she's thinking. They remember the tickling, the jumping on the bed, and the forts. 

I'm sure I won't remember these last two weeks when I'm 48, but I can also approach these sick winter days with joy and enjoy my kids.

Look at that poor sick kiddo! Going to the clinic to see Brett was the only time we got to see a friend in the midst of our sickness. It's nice to have a familiar face when my kids have sick visits. 

1 comment:

  1. That's a great verse to remind me of how gracious God is with us! I love your perspective.
