Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Out and About

So here we are in fall, home to pumpkin spiced everything. And here at the Laehn house, we have been trying to get out as much as possible, knowing that winter is lurking. Here are our three favorite Des Moines destinations:

1. The Hubbell Pedestrian Bridge: When you live as close to the interstate as we do, you really have to make the most of it. Luckily, there is a pedestrian bridge just a few blocks away. Nothing is more entertaining to kids (and me) than to watch hundreds of cars zoom underneath you.

2. The P-A-R-K: This fall I have really begun to love parks again. When Auggie was crawling and eating sand and wood chips every moment I looked away, a trip to the park was more stress than it was worth. Now that he is walking (and running) he is much more self sufficient.

The most unfortunate thing about our neighborhood is that we don't have any parks within walking distance. But, the closest one, Chamberlain Park, is a two-minute drive and it is perfect. And the best part is Penelope's hair looks like this when she goes down the slide:

3. Fountain at the Downtown Library: The days of splashing around in this guy are numbered or even gone for good. But, if the temperature reaches 70, we're up for some wet feet (we stopped by a couple weeks ago).

In the summer, this is my favorite alternative to pools and splash parks. You get it all to yourself, and there are different levels to climb on and falling water to play in. No crazy splashing things that my kids hate.

Another perk, there's a public piano outside the door to the Library, so if you're lucky, you may even get some music to dance to. And did I mention Starbucks is just a few yards down the sidewalk?

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